Khaya Lam is an initiative of the Free Market Foundation (FMF), aimed at promoting property ownership by ensuring families living in municipally-owned rental stock become titled owners. As of August 2024, it celebrated the significant milestone of distributing 16 300 title deeds of properties to the total value of an estimated R1,5 billion, which contributes to providing dignity and security through property ownership.
The Khaya Lam initiative promotes property ownership among individuals who live without formal title deeds as tenants of the municipality.
Title Deed Conversion
Legal Process
Community Engagement
Economic and Social Benefits
Empowering Individuals
The Khaya Lam initiative is designed to facilitate property ownership for individuals who may not have access to formal property rights. By empowering families with property rights, the Khaya Lam initiative aims to foster economic independence.
Here is how it generally works:
Independent Process
State Involvement
– Subdivide semi-detached houses with mutual ownership so that each resident has a separate title deed to their portion.
– Convert a Communal Property Association (CPA) so that each resident has their own title deed.